Legal Update Blog
Sanet PULSE: Thailand becomes even more appealing for European Companies
Sanet PULSE February 2019:
– Thailand becomes even more appealing for European Companies
– Secure now Free ASEAN Consultation in March
– Thailand’s plastics industry draws in European machine builders
Sanet Legal Dr. Denk & Partner – Bangkok’s legal office for every corporate situation
With their legal firm Sanet Legal Dr. Denk and Partner, the management consulting firm ASEAN ADVISORS, the German-led trade and service company Sanet Trade & Services and their recruiting service, CREATING CAREERS, the Sanet Group is a one-stop shop for internationally oriented companies.
Sanet PULSE: Monthly Newsletter from the Sanet Group in Bangkok – July 2018
The Sanet PULSE Newsletter provides you with the latest updates from the work of the Sanet Group in Southeast Asia. In the month’s feature, we show you the risks of careless sales activities through Rep. Offices in Thailand, and how Sanet helped a European company to legalize its Rep. Office sales activities in a sustainable way.
Sanet informs about urgent legal updates in Thailand
Für 2018 hat die thailändische Regierung die Einführung eines „Smart Visum“ mit vier Jahren Gültigkeit auch für Familienmitglieder angekündigt. Außerdem sollen Inhaber dieses Visum von den Auflagen für eine Arbeitserlaubnis und der Meldepflicht befreit werden. Mit Skepsis wird allerdings auf die Ausführungsbestimmungen gewartet: Begünstigt sollen „Investoren, Start-up Unternehmer und hochqualifizierte Fachkräfte“ sein. Noch gibt es allerdings keinen Hinweis darauf, wie hoch die Investitionen sein müssen und wann eine Fachkraft als „Hoch qualifiziert“ betrachtet wird. In der Vergangenheit wurden die Hürden solcher Befreiungen so hochgelegt, dass sie in der Praxis die Relevanz verloren.
Die thailändisch – deutsche Anwaltskanzlei Sanet Legal Ltd. wird für Sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt über die Ausführungsbestimmungen berichten.
Sanet Intern October 2017 – We are here for you
Sanet: We are here for you – both on-site and online
A successful summer for ASEAN ADVISOR
Accomplishments with STRAIL and ASIS
Internship positions in Bangkok for business students and legal specialists
MHT and Vogelsang: New business units with Sanet Trade & Services
BEKO – a top-of-the-line brand now available in Southeast Asia…
Thai-German Legal Firm Rounds off the Service of the Sanet Group
The integration of SANET LEGAL LTD. (SLL) to the Sanet Group.
The Sanet Consulting Group has been providing comprehensive support services to western companies in Thailand and other ASEAN nations for 14 years. The integration of the Thai-German led law firm SANET LEGAL LTD. (SLL) in September promises to raise the group’s advisory expertise to an even higher level…
ASIS – a Partner for Industry 4.0
Due to the great deal of interest in the Thai large-scale industry, the high-class manufacturer from Landshut in Bavaria is on the hunt for intelligent solutions regarding the automation of production processes as well as operational processes supporting production.
Promoting Investment in Thailand and Vietnam
China is becoming a less and less attractive destination for investors. Labor costs as well as the number of intellectual property risks to consider are high. Funding is limited and is granted dependent on province, district, or individual location in a very unclear manner. Foreign investors are often confronted by many bureaucratic obstacles as well as other disadvantages vis-a-vis domestic state enterprises.
Investment Protection – One of the Pillars of the ASEAN Economic Community
One of the Pillars of the ASEAN Economic Community – In 2012, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was the only economic area in the world to agree on a comprehensive agreement on investment protection for foreign investors. In 2012, the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA) was finalised between all ten states of the community.