Asian Market Blog

Thailand in Pole Position for the Race Seeking Investors

Thailand in Pole Position for the Race Seeking Investors

In Formula 1, one speaks of the best “Overall Package” in a race car as a decisive prerequisite of championship-winning performance. In other words, it’s not simply a question of the driver, the best chassis, most powerful motor or the most suitable strategy in a race. Rather, everything has to “fit” in order to bring a team right to the front. It is similar in the economy.

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Sanet customer retarus “knighted” by Gartner

Sanet customer retarus “knighted” by Gartner

Gartner market researchers “ennoble” retarus Cloud Service. Munich-based cloud security provider with Service Center at Sanet.
In its new “Market Guide for Email Security”, the world’s leading market research and consulting company GARTNER has now included the Munich-based cloud specialist retarus as one of the twelve most important providers of email security worldwide.

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Initial Situation – Silkhair is a global leader in the world of body care from head to toe. In 2006, the company entered a new business segment. Through substantial investment in formulations, product development and customer service, a new brand and a full range for hair stylists and upscale hair salons was developed.

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Initial Situation – A German mechanical engineering company had a 75% interest in a joint venture in Thailand . A Thai partner, which also managed day-to-day operations, had a 25% stake. The German parent company did not spend much time worrying about its Thai subsidiary. The sales figures were not bad enough to draw the attention of its executives, although its share of the market was unknown. The results seemed “in order” according to German standards.

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