Gartner market researchers “ennoble” retarus Cloud Service
Munich-based cloud security provider with Service Center at Sanet
In its new “Market Guide for Email Security”, the world’s leading market research and consulting company GARTNER has now included the Munich-based cloud specialist retarus as one of the twelve most important providers of email security worldwide.
In professional communities, this is regarded as an absolute “accolade” for companies in the IT sector.
Sanet Trade & Services is proud to have been able to make retarus’ offering available to the Thai economy and to email security in Thailand via a Business Unit with three highly qualified employees since January 2020.
Dr. Schenk with a Strong Service Team in Thailand
Business Unit at Sanet Trade & Services strengthen presence in Asia
Dr. Schenk develops, produces, and markets optical inspection and measurement solutions for automated quality assurance and production process monitoring. This includes high-quality, customizable handling solutions.
The systems are a key success factor in the making and converting of many materials, e.g., plastics, textile materials, nonwovens, paper, metal, or glass, for a multitude of markets like display glass, automotive, packaging, medical, renewable energy, and many more.
Since May 2021, a highly competent service team of Dr. Schenk is now also available to the Thai industry. In a Business Unit at Sanet Trade & Services, two highly specialized experts, Andreas Kunze and Kasitorn Sowat, are available to assist Dr. Schenk’s customers in Thailand.
The team is in place. Andreas Kunze and Kasitorn Sowat (here in their office at Sanet Trade and Services) approach their tasks in customer service for Dr. Schenk with great commitment.
Let Customers Be the Judge!
References and testimonials all speak for Sanet.
We at Sanet want to spare our potential clients the “usual self-praise” of standard service providers. And we can because our customers themselves are speaking for us.
Just have a look at testimonials and letters of recommendation and get your own impression.
But not only these letters themselves, but also the repeated use and appreciation of our services makes us proud.
Become a Partner at Sanet: Young Lawyer or Business Economist.
Sanet Group offers German-speaking Business Development Manager a partnership opportunity.
The Sanet Group in Bangkok is one of Thailand’s best and most renowned Management Consultancies for medium-sized companies from all parts of the world. Its services include management consulting, recruitment, representation in trade and legal services.
The management is now offering to a young business economist or lawyer with the desire for entrepreneurship the chance to lead the company into the future after an in-depth mentoring period. Not only German, Swiss, or Austrian applicants will be considered, but in particular European students who have completed an academic degree in Thailand and wish to reside in the country.
Prerequisites for a promising application are some two years of professional experience following a successfully completed academic degree. Naturally, the position demands the willingness to pursue one’s future in Thailand and to fully commit oneself to a medium-sized consultancy firm.
Excellent social skills and cultural sensitivity are just as essential as the ability to develop professional presentations and concepts and to negotiate with clients in a conclusive manner.