The Lowdown on Prospective Investments in Southeast Asia

Content Overview:

  • The Netherlands are showing everyone else how it is done
  • Sanet’s guide to making correct investment decisions
  • Great market potential for European Mechanical Engineering Companies in ASEAN
  • NürnbergMesse intensifies cooperation with the Thai Ministry of Commerce

The Netherlands are showing everyone else how it is done

Champions of direct investment in Thailand

Between 2014 and 2016, 543 FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) were reported by European companies with the Thai Board of Investment (BOI). Germany’s 94 projects put it in third place, just behind the UK.

However, the largest national economy in Europe must accept its defeat vis-a-vis its Western neighbor, the Netherlands, who led exactly 100 projects in the same period. Looking at the investment amounts, we see that the Dutch, who have remained steadily active in the international sphere, invest more than five times the amount of German companies. At the MSE level, even Switzerland with its 43 projects can boast more activity than German companies. The numbers for Austria, which are measured according to the nation’s economic power, are relatively comparable with Germany. (Source: BOI Thailand)

Sanet is proud to have had the honor of providing successful support to investors from Germany, Switzerland, and even the Netherlands. The ASEAN ADVISORS are confident that more and more German investors will be convinced of the locational advantages offered by the ASEAN region in comparison to China.

Investing wisely

Sanet’s guide to making correct investment decisions

Three feature articles detailing the right way to develop a strategyselect a location and optimize project organization for a foreign investment. All articles can be downloaded free of charge from the Info-Center on the Sanet website.

Laying the foundation for foreign investments in Thailand: South-German universal joint factory SGF invests in Rayong, the automobile hub of Southeast Asia.

Mechanical Engineering Companies in South East Asia

German VDMA sees great market potential in ASEAN member states

As of today, German mechanical engineering companies are exporting goods estimated at a value of around 5 billion Euros into the 10 ASEAN member states. In the first quarter of 2017, the revenue has increased by 12% compared to the previous year. But according to VDMA chief economist Dr. Ralph Wiechers the market potential for European mechanical engineering companies in ASEAN is far from being exhausted. According to the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association, German companies would consequently be ‘well-advised’ to dedicate an increased and focused sales attention to the ASEAN economic region.

A substantial increased geographical sales focus is primarily realized by the establishment of a market presence. Under the leadership of the German certified engineer Mr. Sven Korf, the German-Thai trading house ‘Sanet Trade & Services Ltd.’ assists European companies since 2009 in establishing a market presence in Thailand and Southeast Asia.

In doing so, Sanet acquires capable distributors, facilitates system integration for the inter working of installation and maintenance and furthermore handles direct sales in the ASEAN member states with its Thai engineers on its own.

For more information about the services of ‘Sanet Trade & Services’, contact [email protected].

BIOFACH TRADE FAIR 2018 in Thailand

NürnbergMesse intensifies cooperation with Thai Ministry of Commerce

By hosting two trade shows as well as THE BIOFACH SOUTH EAST ASIA TRADE FAIR Thailand will become the center of the agricultural and food industry in 2018. This comes as no surprise, as of late. Thailand has the highest number of certified organic producers of all ASEAN member states. The Thai Government actively supports its organic food industry and its certification authorities are internationally recognized.

The fair will take place from March 12 until March 15, 2018 and is expected to host no less than 45,000 visitors and 250 exhibitors. Through a cooperation with the ‘Natural Expo South East Asia‘ fair organizer Marcus Reetz from the ‘NürnbergMesse’ has accomplished to replace and supersede the ‘Organic & Natural Expo’ as the most important  trade show of the industry.

The German-Thai consultancy group Sanet has supported interested exhibitors and visitors of fairs in Thailand for over 12 years; providing exhibition services, linguistically competent booth staff and the evaluation of potential trade partners. 

For more information, please contact [email protected].