by Axel Denk | Jan 25, 2018 | Sanet Blog (Market)
More frontrunners in the European MSE industry have decided to work with the German-Thai trading house Sanet Trade & Services Ltd. in 2018 to establish a viable sales presence in Southeast Asia.
The Business Unit model offers the ideal path for efficient market entry to MSEs hoping to establish a direct sales presence in Southeast Asia without incurring the costs and administrational expenses of opening their own company.
by Axel Denk | Aug 28, 2017 | Sanet Blog (Market)
“It was hard work,“ reported the exhausted but proud Sanet partner and engineer Sven Korf regarding the successful conclusion of a challenging railroad project in Indonesia’s capital city, Jakarta. After two years of intensive negotiations, the Bavarian company KRAIBURG-STRAIL GmbH & Co. KG, based in the city of Tittmoning, was able to secure a deal for the installation of a railroad crossing, using STRAIL’s technology, in the island city of 250 million.
by Axel Denk | Jun 6, 2017 | Sanet Blog (Market)
Good news about housing prices, as well. The lawmakers in Myanmar have recently decided to make it permissible for 40% of the apartments in an apartment building to be owned by foreigners. This figure is based on the laws already in place in Thailand prohibiting foreigners from owning land, while still permitting partial ownership, i.e. condominiums within a building, provided the number of foreigners living there does not exceed a certain percentage.
by Axel Denk | Nov 5, 2015 | Sanet Blog (Market)
In the first part of our newsletter “ASEAN: SALES STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT – Successful sales structuring in the world’s biggest growth market, Southeast Asia” we described how important it is for Western companies to have their own staff on the ground in the relevant country on a permanent basis, that in the ASEAN countries a holistic approach is the basis for successful operations, and that local dealers and distributors should be chosen with the greatest of care. In the second part we will explain, among other things, why local sales staff have to be integrated skilfully and provided with organised support from company headquarters.