Case Study: Troublesome Joint Venture in Thailand

Case Study: Troublesome Joint Venture in Thailand

As a consultant and “cultural ambassador”, Sanet helps a German machine builder with its Joint Venture in Thailand.

The German machine manufacturer held 75% of a sales and service Joint Venture in Thailand. A Thai partner owned 25% of the shares and managed the business single-handedly and largely without any direct intervention by the German majority partner. Little attention was paid to the Thai subsidiary.

The earnings were okay, but the sales figures were not impressive enough to make the Thai company the focus of the group management. After the company was established in Thailand, the German Controller came once a year for the annual accounts and soon returned home without any major problems. Market shares, market policy and the local company management were largely unaware of the situation at headquarters.

The surprise came as soon as the Thai partner wanted to introduce a successor.

Case Study: That’s how Sanet organized a successful investment in Thailand

Case Study: That’s how Sanet organized a successful investment in Thailand

Europe and Germany in particular is losing its attractiveness as an investment location. More than 30% of SMEs are considering relocating their production abroad. But where to and how? And which arguments are there in favor of investing in Thailand? And who possesses on-site experience and a team that can help even in difficult situations?

Thailand is traditionally known as a country that has largely stayed out of major world conflicts and now boasts an ultra-modern infrastructure. Southeast Asia is considered to be the fastest growing and politically safest economic region until 2035. An investment in Thailand is safe.
And with Sanet ASEAN ADVSORS, “Pilots” are on site to guide you through a project from planning to start of production.