Finance Manager for Brückner in Thailand
Close cooperation between Client Management and Executive Recruiters as a formula for success
Close cooperation between Client Management and Executive Recruiters as a formula for success
International companies staff entire planning committees for setting up production sites. In this context it is important to be open to effective alternatives, a principle demonstrated in a case study using the example of Thailand.
The SGF (German: Süddeutsche Gelenkscheibenfabrik – South German Articular Disc Factory), headquartered in the Upper Bavarian city of Waldkraiburg, is for German automobile an indisputable leader in its segment of the market. The company goes to great lengths to make sure that the motor power of cars made by the likes of BMW, VW, and Mercedes, takes to the road in a way that is both noiseless and vibration-free. It is for this reason that American, Japanese, and even Chinese companies are among the clientele of this highly innovative mid-sized enterprise.
“Good preparation is better than fast action.” This basic principle applies especially to direct investments in foreign countries (FDI). In the first two parts of this article series, I have given hints to the necessity, the content and to the process during the creation of a feasibility study and an evaluation of the location. Today I want to occupy myself with the internal organization of an investment project.
“Proper preparation is better than acting hastily” This basic principle is valid especially for direct investments in foreign countries (FDI). Three points are what decides about success and failure.