by Axel Denk | Sep 27, 2019 | Sanet Blog (Legal)
“Many legal experts in foreign consultation view it as their primary duty to guide their clients to ensure corporate organization and the company’s goals are in line with local regulations. They think that by providing a basic explanation of the local laws and seeing you through a quick and easy company founding process, that they have fulfilled their duties to you as a client. This, however, is the wrong way to go about it, as legal consultants are there to help find smart legal solutions for each and every different business plan!” – Doctor Gunter Denk
by Axel Denk | Mar 20, 2019 | Sanet Blog (Legal)
Sanet PULSE March 2019:
– Unbelievable opportunities to avoid customs fees even for China and India
– Survey says: 58% of companies are planing to start-up or expand their operations in Southeast Asia
– Bangkok is near the top list when it comes to public transportation facilities
by Axel Denk | Feb 27, 2019 | Sanet Blog (Legal)
Sanet PULSE February 2019:
– Thailand becomes even more appealing for European Companies
– Secure now Free ASEAN Consultation in March
– Thailand’s plastics industry draws in European machine builders
by Axel Denk | Oct 16, 2018 | Sanet Blog (Legal)
With their legal firm Sanet Legal Dr. Denk and Partner, the management consulting firm ASEAN ADVISORS, the German-led trade and service company Sanet Trade & Services and their recruiting service, CREATING CAREERS, the Sanet Group is a one-stop shop for internationally oriented companies.
by Axel Denk | Jul 26, 2018 | Sanet Blog (Legal)
The Sanet PULSE Newsletter provides you with the latest updates from the work of the Sanet Group in Southeast Asia. In the month’s feature, we show you the risks of careless sales activities through Rep. Offices in Thailand, and how Sanet helped a European company to legalize its Rep. Office sales activities in a sustainable way.