Sales in Thailand – Robert Bürkle and UTILIS AG new Sanet partners
Now is the time to prepare for the success of 2024. New markets hedge the risk of the weakening economy in Germany and the uncertain times in many countries of the world.
Now is the time to prepare for the success of 2024. New markets hedge the risk of the weakening economy in Germany and the uncertain times in many countries of the world.
Sanet supports the German TOP Enterprise in investing in Thailand
With renewed management and proven quality, RUWAC ASIA, the German manufacturer of industrial vacuum cleaners and extraction systems, is looking to a future of strong growth and a high profile in Thailand and Southeast Asia. Thailand, with its highly modern industries, was chosen as the investment and production location for Asia more than eight years ago. Now, in Asia, innovative strength, individual industry solutions and 40 years of experience also characterize the high level of customer acceptance.
This year, when Sanet celebrates the 10th anniversary of its “Business Unit” (BU), it will look back on the support it provided to 25 mostly international large or medium-sized private companies when they entered the Thai market. Sanet founder Dr. Gunter Denk resumes what still convinces many companies to start sales and service in Thailand through a “BU” at Sanet.
“After having spent 25 years as an entrepreneur of a manufacturing company with strong internationalization, I knew what makes entrepreneurs tick when expanding into new markets,” he begins his description of how to safely enter the Thai market through a ” Business Unit.”
A highly specialized German company in plastic materials has a global market share of 14%. But in Thailand, despite preferential prices and fair margins offered by the partner, the market share remains at only 3%. This is something the management does not want to accept any longer. They hired Sanet to investigate a possible fraud by the distributor.
In Formula 1, one speaks of the best “Overall Package” in a race car as a decisive prerequisite of championship-winning performance. In other words, it’s not simply a question of the driver, the best chassis, most powerful motor or the most suitable strategy in a race. Rather, everything has to “fit” in order to bring a team right to the front. It is similar in the economy.