by Axel Denk | Oct 21, 2016 | Sanet Blog (Recruitment)
The effects of personnel decisions are long term. It usually takes months before management and the other staff members can begin to see what a new hire brings to the table – for better or for worse – and whether or not the decision to bring this person on was the correct one.
by Axel Denk | Sep 27, 2016 | Sanet Blog (Recruitment)
Thailand and Vietnam are drawing investors away from China – International medium-sized enterprises are orienting their investments in increasing fashion toward the ASEAN member states. Word has started to get out about the intellectual property risks in China as well as the attractive tax incentives in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, thanks to the ACFTA free trade agreement, producers from Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia are able to serve the Chinese market duty-free and with shorts routes for transport.