Good reasons for starting your successful sales with a Business Unit (BU) at Sanet
That’s why companies are again choosing the BU as their Sales & Service Center in January
In January, another German company found its way into the Thai market through a Business Unit at Sanet Trade & Services in Bangkok as their new hub for Thailand and Asia Pacific.
The reasons are easy to understand: The contractual solution of a “Business Unit ” or “BU” prevents administrative costs, all employees of a BU focus on only one Principal, who in return also helps to train them at his best.
Costs are transparent and firmly budgeted, and the solution is compliant with Thai Foreign Business law. In addition, if successful, Sanet actively supports the subsequent transition to the principal’s own company.
Read more about the concept of the Business Unit
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Thai-Austrian Business Forum on Investment Opportunities in Thailand
Sanet Founder Dr. Gunter Denk moderates this Webinar by BOI and WKO
Außenwirtschaft Österreich (WKO) and the Thai Board of Investment (BOI) offer a webinar on the topic of
“Smart Cities – Investment Promotion in Thailand”
on February 28, 2023, from 10:00 – to 11:30 h CET (4.00 pm – 5.30 pm Thailand time).
The program is available for download here.
The dynamic management of the BOI team in Frankfurt around Director and Consul Sanlaya Aksharamat can offer once again and this time together with the Thai team of the WKO headed by Commercial Counsellor Dr. Georg Weingartner a very attractive and informative event on investment opportunities in Thailand.
H.E. Wilhelm Donko, Austria’s Ambassador to Thailand, and Cheevindh Nathalang, Minister of the Royal Thai Embassy in Vienna will offer to the already numerous registered participants top presentations and practical background reports from politics, administrative supporters and industry.
Moderator and speaker on the topic of market entry to Thailand is Sanet founder Dr. Gunter Denk.
Sanet’s German-speaking management consultants from Austria and Germany advise and support European companies with 40 employees in Thailand.
Sanet Partner Michael Stopp meets Thai Ambassador in Germany
H.E. Ambassador Nadhavathna Krishnamra and Michael Stopp discuss cooperation
In January 2023, the Capital Club Berlin provided a worthy setting for the discussion of cooperation and possible projects between Thailand and the German states for 2023. Participating was Michael Stopp, Managing Director of the Sanet consulting partner Mercatus Management in Zwickau.
The participants referred to the close cooperation especially between the East German countries and Thailand, which already started in 1862 with the conclusion of the “Treaty of Friendship, Trade and Navigation between the States of the Customs Union ( Prussia ) and the Kingdom of Siam.
Sanet Partner Mercatus Management is your contact also for arranging the generous business subsidies of the new German countries for market research and market entry activities in Thailand. Thai Ambassador H.E. Ambassador Nadhavathna Krishnamra and Sanet Partner and Commercial Advisor Michael Stopp at the meeting at the Capital Club Berlin.