After Corona – Cover against China risks
The Sanet hedging strategy – since 2015 and is more important now than ever
The Japanese and Koreans have been practicing it for more than a decade: They secure their production and sales market in China and the ASEAN countries – especially in Thailand.
German industries, on the other hand, were unconcerned about putting everything on the “China card”. All of this was done even though investors in Thailand and the other ASEAN countries with over 600 million people were doing great business at the time and were rewarded with enormous tax and customs exemptions.
Since the US-China trade war, which political observers predict will last for the entire decade, small and medium-sized enterprises are increasingly recognizing the risks of their dependence on production networks and the sales market in China. The corona virus has done its part in foretelling the possible permanent consequences of this dependence in all its force.
Since 2004, Sanet has been advising its ASEAN ADVISORS on how to develop a “hedging strategy” for Asian businesses, similar to the Japanese. An e-mail is sufficient to start off with an experienced and competent strategy consultancy. And who knows, this e-mail could be your entry into a great “sales market in Asia” or your new production facility as a supplement to your China business. You can reach us at [email protected]
Because of Corona – Sanet’s diverse online consulting services
Website live chat and video consulting technologies
Despite travel bans, curfews and social distancing – the Sanet projects continue and especially now it is important for many companies to keep in touch with their markets in Asia.
As our management in Thailand, Germany, Austria and Belgium is currently cancelling its planned personal customer visits, Sanet is making extensive use of digital media to stay connected with our team and customers.
– When you arrive at work in Europe in the morning, Sanet Thailand consultants have been active for hours and awaiting your questions in the online chat on the website Simply click on the speech bubble at the bottom right and you will be connected to a Sanet consultant.
– Or do you prefer the free “zoom video conferences”? Simply go to and invite your business partner to a video conference by e-mail. With up to 100 people in different locations, you can talk and even share your screen for joint discussions. Just email [email protected] to reach us via zoom.
– Of course you can also count “Skype for Business” as one of the ultimate video conferencing tools for anyone with Office 365, where you can connect digitally via video or chat for free. Just add the same email above [email protected]. to connect with us.
The SANET ASEAN ADVISORS can connect with you everywhere. So: Visit the chatter on the website, ask your questions or simply ask for a video meeting via zoom or Skype for Business.
Despite Corona – Medical Technology Matchmaking between Germany and Thailand
trAIDe and Sanet test “online delegations”
In difficult times creativity counts. tRAIDe GmbH is a German consulting company for international initiation of businesses. In association with the Sanet Group, trAIDe was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) to organize a delegation trip in May 2020 with a specialist conference and matchmaking between German and Thai people.
Then came the Corona virus, and in mid-March international delegation trips were out of the question. trAIDe then made the proposal to the BMWi to plan and implement the entire event online together with Sanet. The already registered participants were enthusiastic and the BMWi agreed.
Preparations are currently in full swing: 12 German companies have already made firm commitments, and Sanet has put together over 100 medical distributors, service providers, health experts, representatives of authorities and hospital administrations who will give specialist presentations in “webinars”, speak directly to the partners they have selected in contact meetings via video, or arrange appointments for future cooperation.
A lot of work is now ahead for Sanet to approach the Thai partners despite initial restrictions and to win them over for their participation.
And another advantage: Medical technology companies from Germany and Thailand that were unable to register because the number of participants was limited can now join in. Please contact [email protected] (Khun Beam) or [email protected] if you would like to participate in the online event. There is still time.
During Corona – presence is the remedy against the crisis
Business units maintain business
Supply chains are interrupted, business trips are cancelled, customer relations are lost in everyday problems – the last few weeks show how little can be managed “remotely” and without customers and supplier proximity in the event of a crisis.
Already in 2011 in his reference book Asia for Professionals (Amazon 24.90 EUR) in July 2015, Sanet founder Dr. Gunter Denk predicted in a highly regarded essay that classical export is “dead”. The imperative of the future is “presence”.
Not only does the growing competition and increasing importance of proximity to customers and suppliers have confirmed this since then but the Corona crisis makes this particularly clear. Companies that are represented locally, for example by a Business Unit at Sanet or a Trade & Investment Service Office (TISO) under the promotion of the Thai BOI, have a clear advantage.
They keep in touch with their business partners on site, are constantly aware of the latest developments and can react quickly if customers need help that they cannot or do not want to ask for 8000 kms away.
Most importantly, being close to the customer even in times of crisis creates a feeling of togetherness that will certainly continue to have an effect in normal times.
Think about your presence with your Asian customers and suppliers. Sanet Legal and the Sanet ASEAN ADVISORS will competently inform you about the right entrepreneurial and legal set-up, from your own entity to the Representative Office or TISO to the Business Unit at Sanet Trade & Services. Chat with us in the live chat on our website or we are also available via zoom or Skype for Business.