Unusual: Sanet team masters the crisis brilliantly
Reliability and commitment pay off
The Sanet consulting team can look back with pride on the crisis management of the last few months: Despite difficult circumstances, the consulting group’s sales have so far increased by over 40% compared to 2019.
The loyalty of the young team, their commitment and flexibility in working hours and home office were decisive factors. Despite curfew, travel restrictions and extremely difficult access to local business partners, the projects could be reliably carried out for our European customers:
Most of the employees chose to work on projects in the Sanet office. High standards of hygiene were maintained for access and cooperation. Social distance and teams with a maximum of 4 participants in the conference rooms were and are just as natural as disinfectants and protective masks.
The management provides flexible support by granting holidays, travel times with minimal use of public transport and the employees’ own daily decision on home office.
While there is concern about jobs everywhere, Sanet was thus able to add 4 new employees to its team in 2020 and give a medium-term job guarantee.
Unbraked: Ready to take off in Thailand
Machine manufacturers wait for end of lockdown
For three mechanical engineering companies from Belgium, Austria and Switzerland, Sanet was able to compile an analysis of their market potential and an overview of the most important market participants and decision-making mechanisms in recent months despite difficult circumstances. In addition, all important national and international competitors, their sales development and setup in the Thai market were described.
As politicians learned during the Corona crisis, a reliable database has long been a prerequisite for the right decisions and strategies in industry.
In addition to supplying data and market mechanisms, Sanet also provides concrete proposals for measures and strategies in an “Executive Summary” on how to successfully exploit the market potential.
Register your interest here at [email protected] and we will explain to you via Skype or zoom how we can also reliably determine your market opportunities. Or first take a look at our website www.sanet.eu.
Medical technology in Thailand is the focus of government support and the interest of European manufacturers.
Indispensable: BOI promotes medical technology
Tax exemptions of up to 13 years attract medical technology to Thailand
Thailand is a country with an outstanding health care system in Asia. As was evident again during the Corona crisis, the level is in line with the highest international standards. While leading industrial nations feared an overload of the health care system, intensive care beds were already available in Thailand in five-digit numbers before the crisis and fortunately remained largely unused.
In its latest newsletter, the Thai Board of Investment (BOI) announced additional investment incentives: Deadlines for investment grants will be extended, investors will receive up to 13 years of tax exemption and rebates and customs duties will be waived.
Especially joint ventures in research and development should be interested in the Thai offers. But also, manufacturers of medical equipment can set up a 100% own service office in Thailand and thus help to distribute the products of the local parent company. Sanet Legal Ltd. also supports applications for a Foreign Business License.
With its solution, Sanet, too, finds service and marketing support within the scope of its business units increasingly interesting for European industrial companies.
Sign up for the
on 25 and 26 May 2020.
This mission, initiated by the German Ministry of Economics (BMWi) and supported by the Thai Ministry of Health and the Thai BOI, includes a convention with six highly qualified speakers.
They will talk about the Thai health care market, the high level of German industry, ways to build up sales and about case studies of successful medical technology companies in Thailand.
The event is organized by trAIDe GmbH (www.traide.com) and Sanet ASEAN ADVISORS in Bangkok/Thailand, both leading companies in the field of international business development.
You can register here or by e-mail to [email protected] to find out more.
Denk IT GmbH has been a member of the Sanet Group since its foundation in 2000. In 2020 the certified system house invested millions in a state-of-the-art IT centre. This connection also explains Sanet’s affinity to companies in the wasteland.
Unlimited: Sanet supports software developers in Thailand
Company foundation, investment promotion and recruiting
Through Denk IT GmbH (www.denkit.com), Sanet has been closely connected with IT services since its foundation. But also in Thailand they started to support IT companies already in 2012.
Already this year Sanet has managed six different projects for IT services: For a Bavarian software and platform developer, Sanet Legal Ltd. (legal.sanet.co.th) not only founded a subsidiary in Thailand but also obtained an investment grant from the Board of Investment (BOI) for the new company.
In addition, Sanet’s personnel agency CREATING CAREERS hired an IT-specialized personnel consultant for the recruitment of IT specialists. Currently, the company is managing several projects for cloud service providers, software producers and IT platform operators. New cloud services for the whole of ASEAN are offered by a German global market leader for special cloud services as a new principal of a business unit at Sanet. Finally, during the crisis, Sanet also supported existing IT customers in adapting their structures to the COVID19 crisis.
retarus, a leading global cloud service provider, is establishing itself in Thailand and ASEAN in cooperation with Sanet.
Unfinished: Signing of contract after end of lock-down
The last signature is still missing
A new, international cooperation also includes a solemn “signature ceremony”. Two German and Belgian market leaders, for whom Sanet was able to conclude a professional partner search in the first few months of this year, are now also waiting for this. Two of the best distributors in Thailand will then offer consumers household goods in to-design and the highest quality fruit juices from a traditional German brand.
In preparation, Sanet examined the ideal sales channels, identified over 60 specialist distributors in each case and then recommended the right partners after intensive qualification talks. While both sides are now waiting for the joint meeting after the opening of the airports, Sanet is already organizing important implementation work, such as the preparation of the official product approvals or the basic logistical data.
Our link above shows the process and the most important criteria of a partner search. However, we would also be happy to provide initial advice free of charge via Skype or Zoom if you email us at [email protected].
Our Thai partners are eagerly awaiting a meeting and the conclusion of an agreement with their German partners