Asian Market Blog

Thailand 4.0: Ambitious growth plans

Thailand 4.0 is the Thai government’s ambitious plan for economic and digital growth. Among other industries, the plan supports growth in the digital sector. The offered incentives are especially attractive for SMEs and Start-Ups.

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Construction Tendering in Thailand

Construction Tendering in Thailand

International companies staff entire planning committees for setting up production sites. In this context it is important to be open to effective alternatives, a principle demonstrated in a case study using the example of Thailand.

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Sanet PULSE Newsletter: A successful market entry and new visa options in Thailand

Sanet mediates strategic partners for German aerosol manufacturer. A professional partner search is a worthwhile investment. In 2016, daughter company of the Würth Group TUNAP assigned the Sanet Group to assist in the development and implementation of a market strategy in Thailand. The cooperative endeavor was kicked off via a workshop with the successful export manager, Elisabeth Vag, during which structures, budgets and set-up strategies were developed and presented to the board as well as shareholders. After that, a thorough market analysis was conducted, which informed the development of a business plan and the intensive search for a suitable partner.

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Sanet starts successfully into the new year: New Business Unit Partners and a valuable network for the European automation industry

More frontrunners in the European MSE industry have decided to work with the German-Thai trading house Sanet Trade & Services Ltd. in 2018 to establish a viable sales presence in Southeast Asia.
The Business Unit model offers the ideal path for efficient market entry to MSEs hoping to establish a direct sales presence in Southeast Asia without incurring the costs and administrational expenses of opening their own company.

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